
Pien Tze Huang isproduced exclusively by Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd and hasbeen listed into the national top-secret. Now many fake and inferior productson the market completely don’t contain any special function of Pien Tze Huangbecause they are not produced by the national top-secret prescription and craftof Pien Tze Huang. 

In 1996, Zhangzhou PienTze Huang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd has started using the the laser holographicanti-counterfeiting labels and water-marked paper instruction of ChinaFirst-degrade Protected Variety of TCM to protect the consumer’s interest and the company’s reputation. When the consumers are purchasingour products,  they would find thegenuine goods with such description: the packing boxes got the laserholographic anti-counterfeiting labels marked Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pien TzeHuang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd and the China Protected Variety of TCM. The innerboxes attach with water-marked paper instruction. The packing boxes for exportalso got the pattern of Gold Award and the laser holographic andanti-counterfeiting labels marked General Agency of Zhang Long Industricallimited company. The packing of genuine goods all with the Chinese wildlifemanagement and utilization special identification approved by SFA ( StateForestry Administration).

In order to protect thelegitimate interest of consumers and help them to purchase the genuine Pien TzeHuang products, the company launch a brand-new laser holographicanti-counterfeiting labels recently (now only for special supply and export).If the consumers doubt about the authenticity of the Pien Tze Huang, they couldopen the anti-counterfeiting labels and make the call 400-8155888 on the package todistinguish the authenticity of products by entering the password.

The detailedinstructions as bellow:


Chinese wildlife management and utilizationspecial identification approved by SFA


China Protected Variety of TCM

Laser holographic anti-counterfeiting labels( large size) for specialsupply of PZH

China Protected Variety of TCM

Laser holographic anti-counterfeiting labels(small size) for special supply and home sale of PZH capsules



China Protected Variety of TCM

Laser holographic anti-counterfeiting labels(large size) for export

China Protected Variety of TCM

Laser holographic anti-counterfeiting labels (small size) for PZH and PZH capsules export


Laser labeling (largesize)for PZH export

Laser labeling (smallsize)for PZH export


The instruction of PZHcapsule ( water-marked paper)

The instruction of PZHfor special supply ( water-marked paper)

The instruction of PZHfor export ( water-marked paper)


Package Modification Instruction

Pien Tze Huang is exclusively produced byZhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd which has been listed into thenational top-secret. Recently according to the requirement of state relatedlaws and regulations, the company has enlarged the size of bar code of packageflank face and amended the decorating spiral ( see Figure) so that there arenew and old two format of PZH middle-sized packages. Among them, the batchnumber before 1009039 is old format and after 1009039 ( with the number) is newformat. Please note that the batch number after 1010043 of Pien Tze Huang forspecial supply has canceled the anti-fake seal labels. There would only the newbar-code PZH middle-sized packages circulate as soon as the market works. Otherways for distinguishing authenticity of PZH please refer to the instruction ofpackage anti-fake technology on official website.




If you have anyquestions when purchasing, please contact us. 

Add.: Shang Street,Zhangzhou City, Fujian, China

P.C.: 363000

Tel: 0596-23054530596-2305448   Fax: 0596-2306435


In order to protect theright of consumers and maintain the company image,we will keep taking legalaction to the crimes who producing and selling counterfeiting Pien Tze Huang!

Declare: Zhangzhou PienTze Huang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.